Feature flags, entitlements, permissions. Unified. Simplified.

All-in-one access control for every app you build.

Start Free Trial

These all control access

How the funnel works for a user

Feature flags

This is the first layer Limits checks. Is this feature even enabled in production for this person?


  • Schedule feature releases
  • Get reminders for cleaning up old flags
  • Cohorts, A/B testing and more
Read the docs
Feature Flags

Designed by developers

Take the pain of access control away so you can grow


Hooks, components and SDKs for your front-end applications.

React code


Use alongside the typical libraries your backend already uses.

Rails code


Easy integrations for your favourite frameworks

  • gem 'limits-rails'

    The Limits Rails SDK also utilises the fantastic power of CanCanCan enabling you to use the same abilities and roles you have already defined in your Rails application.

View all integrations

Clean up reminders

Keep your code clutter free - clean up feature-flags if/when you need to.

Great for marketing

Tie feature releases in with marketing campaigns.

Logic is run inside your apps

All configuration is synched and run on your application code.


Choose a plan tailored to your needs

*Right now we are only offering special early adopter prices - for beta users those that don't mind living on the edge!

$16 / month


$24.00 / month

$288.00 / year


$59.00 / month

$708.00 / year


$149.00 / month

$1788.00 / year